Mysterious Fairy Humanoid has been discovered
#CryptoZoology #NewDiscoveries #Archaeological

THE SPEECH THAT MUST BE HEARD- Phyllis Young of Standing Rock
The Company Dakota Access Pipeline has claimed that “If the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe had voiced their Objections to the Project earlier,...

Breaking The Wheel
November 28, 2016 M Marie McVey Original Link http://sangreaal.wixsite.com/endmoney/single-post/2016/11/28/Breaking-The-Wheel Face it....

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds ( Full Documentary, All 4 Parts included)
This documentary is in 4 Parts, Part 1 - Akasha, Part 2 - The Spiral, Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus, Part 4 - Beyond Thinking, Part...

Artifacts of the Lost "Global" Civilization
Convincing presentation showing evidence of a highly advanced civilization that covered all parts of the globe. Evidence of pre-Sanskrit...

The Hidden Secret of Easter Island - Amazing scientific experiment, on how the Giant Statues were mo
#LostCivilizations #NewDiscoveries

(HD) Hidden Ancient Technology - Secret Science of the Gods and Atlantis - Rediscovered history
#LostCivilizations #UFOExtraterrestrial #NewDiscoveries #HiddenTechnology #Archaeological

Standing Rock Protectors' NONSENSE Charges Get Worse
#Movements #StandingRock

#Movements #PoliticalandWorldViews #StandingRock

The Secret Societies That Start & Stop Wars, Manipulate Stock Markets & Censor the News
#SecretSocieties #PoliticalandWorldViews #NewDisclosure