Breaking The Wheel

November 28, 2016
M Marie McVey
Face it.
Money is holding us back.
"What do you mean, money is holding us back? It has built America! All of our cities and roads and bridges and transportation systems, not to mention medical and emergency services!
Stop right there. Money didn't build America, WE built America! WE did it with OUR brains and OUR brawn and OUR hearts and OUR will--WE DID IT! And we did it within a system that squeezes us for more, for *their* profit. We are living within a system that uses us and our strength and ingenuity to give ~them~ power. That's right. Them. And they're very clever to make all the rest of us feel like we can have wealth too, if we just churn that money wheel fast enough and long enough to earn a fortune. And we do, some of us, but there is a price to making that trade. That price is using your every waking hour to pursue wealth, and through that, security.
What is your time worth?
Honestly, you only have so much time on this planet. Every minute spent on it is a gift.
How do you quantify the "worth" of this gift?
In dollars?
What is the monetary worth of a loved one? Your children? Your parents? Your siblings? Your spouse? Your best friend?
Can you put a monetary value on any one of them? And by extension, can you put a price on every minute that they are alive? What makes you even think that REAL WORTH can be distilled into a monetary value?
Wakey wakey....
The most valuable commodity on this earth that we each personally have is ourselves and our time. Do we want to squander that time propping up a small population of elites that don't care about us but run the money system we live under, or do we spend that time together making the world a better place for ALL of us by refusing to remain in that system?
We can do this.
We can do this by switching to a self-regulating personal feedback system. The more positive points earned, one prospers. The more negative points earned, one becomes impoverished. Money is no longer the obstacle in the way of our evolution, enlightenment, and enrichment.
We all know how to take up the slack when the chips are down. This WILL take a WORLD EFFORT. We have the infrastructure and we have the manpower to continue without anyone ever having to starve again if we all just take up the slack where we are required. And then from there, we can begin working on the things that money has held us back from: free health care, renewable energy, a divorce from petroleum as we step into greener resources, a rebuilding of everything that money has literally blown up and many things we can do together without money.
Think of it. Think of what you could do if money were no longer a roadblock--food, housing, transportation, healthcare...everything forever free. What could YOU do for the world?