Retired US Army General, Albert N. Stubblebine III, EXPOSES 911 Truth
The highest ranking official to blow the whistle on 9/11 to date has now come forward claiming to have proof that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not by a plane as the “official” story will have us believe.
A retired Major General in the United States Army, Albert N. Stubblebine III also served as Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984.
In a recent interview, Stubblebine revealed the evidence he has that proves that a Boeing 757 didn’t hit the Pentagon, but it was struck by a missile, claiming that he saw the video footage of the missile before it was altered to make the missile look like a plane.
Conscious Life News reports: All of the sensors around the Pentagon were turned off except one. That one sensor captured an image of the object that hit the Pentagon. It looked like a missile. But, after he went public, the imagery was changed to look like a plane.
The collapse of the twin towers was caused by controlled demolition – not the fuel from the airplane.
Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the WTC complex, admitted that that building 7, which was not hit by a plane and had only a small fire, was intentionally “pulled” – which is phraseology used for controlled demolition.
All of the air defense systems around Washington DC were turned off that day.
When you connect the DOTs, the picture says that what we were told by the media was not the real story.
Stubblebine, visibly upset, describes how he felt when he realized the truth about his government after having a strong belief in his country since early childhood: “My belief system was so strong from age five when I could remember standing on a parade ground at attention with not anybody telling me to do that – at West Point.”
Below are some notes from the interview including a partial transcript. (Be sure to watch all the way to the end, where you can see the deep hurt on his face when he recalled the moment that he realized that his government, the government that he proudly served for over 30 years, was not what he thought was):
5:15 Stubblebine hears about the 9/11 attacks: “We’re at war.”
6:00 Stubblebine said there must have been intelligence information to know that an attack was coming and we didn’t see the signals. Somebody missed it.
6:35 He initially believed that it was terrorist attack done by other forces: “Not my government.”
7:45 Stubblebine then saw a photo of the Pentagon showing the hole in the Pentagon supposedly made by a Boeing 757. “Something’s wrong. There is something wrong with this picture…”

8:30 “Well there was something wrong. And, so I analyzed it not just photographically, I did measurements… I checked the plane, the length of the nose, where the wings were… I took measurements of the Pentagon – the depth of the destruction in the Pentagon.”
9:05 “Conclusion: airplane did not make that hole.”
9:10” I went public at the time. I am the highest ranking officer, I believe, that has ever gone public… The official story was not true.”
9:25 “I was very careful to not say what it was because I couldn’t prove it. I was careful to say that it was not the airplane that did that because I can prove that it was not the airplane.”
9:45 “In the hole, however, was a turbine that looked like a turbine from the missile… I can’t prove that I don’t know. But there was something there that did not look like the engine from an airplane, but did look like a turbine from a missile.”
10:10 “Later I saw another photograph taken by one of the sensors on the outside of the Pentagon. Now, all of the sensors had been turned off, which is kind of interesting – isn’t it? That day, why would all of the sensors around the Pentagon be turned off? That’s strange. I don’t care what the excuse is. That’s strange. There happened to be one that apparently did not get turned off. And in that picture, coming in, flying into the Pentagon, you see this object, and it obviously hits the Pentagon. When you look at it, it does NOT look like an airplane. Some time later, after I’d gone public, that imagery was changed. It got a new suit around it that now looked like an airplane. But, when you take the suit off, it looks more like a missile – not like an airplane.”
11:30 “Let me go back to the next very important piece of information. The amount of energy to melt the girders – the steel in the tower – cannot be gotten to a melting point with the fuel that was in the airplane. Not possible! So, any melting did not occur as a result of the hit from the airplane. Point. I call it dot. OK? DOT.”
12:10 “When you look at the tower coming down, what you see at each floor is successive puffs of smoke: puff, puff, puff, puff… all the way down. What are the puffs of smoke coming from? Well, they claim that they are from the collapsing floors… No. No. No. Those puffs of smoke are controlled demolitions. That’s exactly what they are because that’s exactly how they work. And so, the fact that the airplane hit, it did, it did not cause that collapse of the building. The collapse of the building was caused by controlled demolition.”
13:05 “Fact: Building 7 – Silverberg, I believe is the name of the owner…” (his name is actually Larry Silverstein), “…was on a video and you could see Building 7. And, there was a fire in Building 7, there’s no doubt about that. No airplane hit it. I assume that the fire came from some debris, but I’m not even sure of that. But, in the lower right-hand corner of the building was a fire – not a very big fire. It didn’t appear to be out of control. It certainly was in a small part of the building. But, then he is heard on the video and he says Pull it. Then, the building collapsed. What does pull it mean? Let me tell you. That’s the order for controlled demolition. That is the phraseology that’s used for blowing up something.”
CLN Editorial note: Stubblebine got mixed up with his facts regarding the Silverstein video, which you can see here. The video is a PBS interview with Silverstein that was shot sometime after 9/11. The footage of Building 7 going down is historical footage, not live during the interview. Nonetheless, Silverstein does say that he gave the order to “pull it.”
15:00 All of the air defense systems in that part of the country had been turned off that day. All of the air defense systems had been turned off… Why would you turn off all of the air defense systems on that particular day unless you knew that something was going to happen? It’s a dot. It’s information. But, it’s strange that everything got turned off that day. DOT.”
15:50 There was an exercise that was designed for the air defense systems that was an attack on the towers by airplanes. Isn’t that strange that we had an exercise that mimicked what really happened? Strange that we had planned an exercise that was exactly what happened. And, at the same time, the air defense systems were turned off. Don’t you find that strange? I find that really strange? DOT. Just a piece of information.
16:50 “But how does it correlate with everything else? So, you see the dots. You have all of these dots. They’re just bits of information. But, that’s exactly how the intelligence world works. You get a bit of information here. A bit here, and a bit here. And, pretty soon you’ve got a picture. To me, what does the picture say? The picture says that what we heard and were told in the newspapers, the media, was not the real story. There’s enough doubt in the official story where the story is absolutely not consistent with what happened. They paint a different picture than the one that was given to the media.”
17:45 “How easy is it for you to shift your belief system from ‘I totally believe in my government’ to ‘Oh My God! What’s going on?’ That’s exactly where I went in all of this. Because my belief system was so strong from age five when I could remember standing on a parade ground at attention with not anybody telling me to do that – at West Point. I did it because I wanted to do it – because I believed! And then going to the military academy and serving, defending…
18:30 The real story was, I have a question I guess. The real story to me is: who was the real enemy? Who participated in this? Who planned this attack? Why was it planned? Were the real terrorists the people in Arab clothing? Or, were the real people that planned this the people sitting in the authority in the White House?
This article (UPDATE: It’s Not Over – Dakota Pipeline Struggle Continues As Builder Vows To Finish Construction On Standing Rock Land) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Kit O’Connell. If you find any grammatical mistakes or factual errors in this article please email them to