Truth about the Merrylin Cryptid Collection, Fairies, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves and Much More
Full Script of Video Truth about the Merrylin Cryptid Collection, Fairies, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves and Much More... Thomas Theodore...

Archaeologists made a discovery that unveils the mysterious origins of real-life hobbits
In 2004, archaeologists discovered the remains of an abnormally small hominin species. Now a team of researchers report in Nature that...

Cosmic Disclosure: Revealing a Bigger Plan w/ David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Full script of Show: David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I am here with...

The Most Controversial Ancient City in the World...The unearthing of Khirbet Qeiyafa.
Video Script: A Deeper Look into the truth, of the excavation. For many decades we have relied on the, “Word” of archeologists,...

Artifacts of the Lost "Global" Civilization
Convincing presentation showing evidence of a highly advanced civilization that covered all parts of the globe. Evidence of pre-Sanskrit...

The Hidden Secret of Easter Island - Amazing scientific experiment, on how the Giant Statues were mo
#LostCivilizations #NewDiscoveries

(HD) Hidden Ancient Technology - Secret Science of the Gods and Atlantis - Rediscovered history
#LostCivilizations #UFOExtraterrestrial #NewDiscoveries #HiddenTechnology #Archaeological

Amazing Recent Scientific Discoveries
#NewDiscoveries #LostCivilizations #Archaeological

Ancient Bloodlines and Lost Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR
Maori oral traditions state that, upon arrival in New Zealand, they found that there was a large, well-established population already...

Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins - Narrated by David Wilcock
Published on Dec 13, 2016 Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins Written by Corey Goode & David Wilcock Narrated...