Artifacts of the Lost "Global" Civilization
Convincing presentation showing evidence of a highly advanced civilization that covered all parts of the globe. Evidence of pre-Sanskrit...

(HD) Hidden Ancient Technology - Secret Science of the Gods and Atlantis - Rediscovered history
#LostCivilizations #UFOExtraterrestrial #NewDiscoveries #HiddenTechnology #Archaeological

The Nikola Tesla interview, which was hidden for 116 years
THE INTERVIEW WITH NIKOLA TESLA IN IMMORTALITY MAGAZINE A rather rare interview Nikola Tesla gave to the magazine Immortality back in...

Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins - Narrated by David Wilcock
Published on Dec 13, 2016 Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins Written by Corey Goode & David Wilcock Narrated...